Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The End - No. 23 - Summarize thoughts on 23 things

I enjoyed most of the 23 things we looked at and found it informative. I thought Technorati was not as interesting as some other things and I can not see the use of a lot of podcasts. I cannot see the point of listening to Podcasts such as "Keith and the girl" - which is a recording of Keith and his girlfriend talking absolute rubbish. I found the most useful - while the online generators and Librarything were fun to play around with. How or if these things will be useful in a library setting remains to be seen.

Week 9 - No. 22 - Downloadable audio

We cannot do the set task in this week, because we do not have access to Netlibrary. You need to be a member of an American Library to have access to the Netlibrary site. I had a look around at some of the downloadable ebooks available on the site without logging onto the site.

Week 9 - No. 21 - Podcasts

I went to and had a look at some of the entertainment category podcasts, and then I went to and Yahoo podcasts. (This is closing down as at September 30, 2007.) I found it incredibly difficult to find any podcast that I was interested in at all. In the end I found one on book reviews and I added the RSS feed to my bloglines account. It is called Rachels Reviews (cool reviews that tell it like it is)

Week 9 - No. 20 - Utube

The only problem I had with Utube is that some of the videos are not very good quality, and a bit hard to watch. The search function is fairly user friendly and I managed to find most of the videos I searched for. I chose a video of Brett Lee singing in a Bollywood video.

Week 8 - No. 19 - Web 2.0 awards

I went to the list of winners and chose a site related to books. It is called and it came second in the books category. is a booksearch and marketplace site that has 50 million used books, textbooks, rare books & out-of-print books.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Week 8 - No. 18 - Online applications and tools

I joined up to Zoho Writer and pasted an existing document into it. I then sent the document to this blog. This was really simple all it required was a click on one button that took you to a list of blogs that you could automatically link to - Blogger was one of these. I can see the advantages of free web applications such as Zoho as you can store your documents online and can access them from anywhere.


RealCare® Baby II

Student use of this simulated baby is managed in conjunction with the Human Development teacher.

  • The baby requires 4C batteries. If it is going out for two nights in a row, the batteries need only to be replaced after two students have taken baby. The battery cover lock needs to be locked with the key.

  • Set the baby's start and stop times, level of care difficulty and quiet times with the control unit. (These settings are determined by the supervising teacher.) The control unit takes 2AA batteries.

  • Students taking the baby need the ID device attached to the tamperproof wristband.

  • When the baby is returned all the equipment - clothes, ID device, bottle, diapers, bag etc. needs to be returned and checked. There is a checklist in the bag for this purpose. If the baby and clothing are dirty they need to be washed before going out with the next student.

  • The data is retrieved from the baby with the ccontrol unit. Check with the supervising teacher to see if the results are to be recorded.

  • The baby has two accompanying folders with Videotapes – and a smaller operating handbook.

Week 7 - No. 17 - Playing around with PBWiki

The PB Wiki is the one set up by the library that started the 23 things. I managed to add this blog address to the list of blog addresses and also I added a short piece about my favourite book in the favourite book section
Link to favourite book page

Friday, September 14, 2007

Week 7 - No. 16 - Wikis

16. I had a look at all the Wikis that were linked from the learning 2.0 page. The Book Lovers Wiki produced by a library was the most interesting. It had reviews of books in genre catergories.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Week 6 - No. 15 - Perspectives on Library 2.0

I read all the articles on how web 2.0 may affect libraries in the future.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 6 - No. 14 - Technorati

Had a quick look around this site. Did not really want to tag my blog so it could come up in Technorati - my blog is not worth seeing by anybody else. I followed some of the popular tags to other blogs. The most popular blogs seem to be general blogs about anything and everything. Such as Boing Boing and Engadget. I did not find these at all interesting. The only blogs I would be interested in reading are specific ones about some subject that I wanted more information on or people's opinion on.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Week 6 - No. 13 -

I joined and posted five or six of my favourite sites. I did this by adding the post to icon onto the links part of the toolbar - this makes for very simple adding of sites. I followed the tags of the people who had posted the same sites as me to see if they had any interesting sites that I could add to my favourites

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Week 5 - No. 12 - Play week : Rollyo

Rollyo (Roll your own search engine )creates search engines using the sources you trust. I set up a Rollyo list on movies, ratings, dvds, reviews, etc. I found this really simple to do - the hardest part was registering and being recognized as a user when I returned to look at what I have done
The link to my list is

Friday, August 31, 2007

Week 5 - No. 11 - Play Week : Library Thing

I joined LibraryThing and added five of my favourite books - I could not find the correct edition and cover picture for some of them. This is interesting but not something I would do in my spare time - some people have added around 14 thousand of their own books.

Link to my catalogue of five :

Friday, August 24, 2007

Week 5 - No. 10 - Play Week - Online Image Generators

This is a chocolate letter I added from the Chocolate Bar Generator

This is a link to my whole name in chocolate

Week 4 - No. 9 - RSS Feeds - finding feeds

I had a look at some of the search tools for finding feeds such as Feedster and Syndic8 - I did find them slightly confusing. One of the easiest ways to find them was through Bloglines - i looked at the favourite feeds list and other topics such as news feeds etc. A lot I just added by going to my favourite site and looking for the RSS feeds icon. I found it difficult to find feeds that were library related that were in anyway useful.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Week 4 - No. 8 - RSS feeds
- This is the link to my Bloglines page with my RSS feeds.

I had some problem trying to find 10 feeds that I was interested in. In the end most were on subjects that I have a personal interest in - movie, animals, sport feeds. I found most of my RSS feeds on the list of the 200 most popular, but for some I just went to the website and copied and pasted the address in. I added one on quotes of the day, celebrity gossip, utube and news headlines. I also added two library related feeds.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Week 3 - No. 7 - Blog post about technology

Create a blog post about anything technological that interests you this week
The newest technology (to me) that I am using this week is the new DVD maker software that has just been purchased for the library. It allows you to copy old VHS tapes to files and then burn them to DVD or store them. I know this software has been around for a while but I am new to it. It has been interesting looking at what you can do and how you can maybe improve the picture from the tape by adjusting settings.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Flickr - Photos from naomi.hinks

Flickr: Photos from naomi.hinks My photo I have saved to Flickr - Ginger cat on rug

Week 3 - No. 6 - Trading Card Maker

The Trading Card Maker site was very interesting and I made a card of
my garden with a photo I had saved on the network.
The Flickr Color Picker site was also interesting and a fun way to waste time by choosing a color and getting photos from Flickr that matched the color.

Week 3 - No. 5 - Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Dos PP on Flickr - Photo Sharing! I tried to follow the instructions on Flickr and post a photo straight to this blog - it did not appear to work as all I got was the link and not the photo itself. I did not find the Blog this button on any photo as suggested in the intructions. Some of the Flickr site is not available to us - there are a lot of red crosses on the pages. I don't know what the problem is.

Week 3 - No. 5 - Flickr

This photo is called "For me" - I copied this photo from flickr onto the network and then added it to the blog with the add image icon

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Week 2 - No. 3 - Blogging

This is the second post to my new blog. It took me longer than the three minutes suggested to set up this blog, because I already had a Google account that I did not remember the password for - I do not remember setting it up at all. Also it was difficult to find a blogspot address that was accepted. We all had trouble with logging on when we were all trying to use Blogger at once - you could not log on as yourself if someone else in the library was logged on already. We kept being logged on as that person. (This has since been fixed)
Maybe because it is so popular Blogger takes time to upload posts and often says it cannot do something or comes up with an error message the first and second time you try to add something to it.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 1 - No. 2 - 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners

The easiest habit of the seven is No.1 "begin with the end in mind" - because if you have a reason for learning something new you are more likely to be willing to learn. The hardest is No. 4 - "have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner".